Interior Painting
No job is too big or too small. We will paint windows, vaulted ceilings, anything! We will stain or paint your old kitchen cabinets to make them look new without paying the price of new.
Wallpaper Installation
Alchemy Decorating will remove old wallpaper, prep walls and install new wallpaper, border, etc.
Finished Basements
Let us finish your basement. We can build closets, rooms, completely drywall/tape/spackle/paint and customize built-in's, etc. You will add so much square footage and value to your house! Call today so we can build your new floor together!
Custom Workworking
Add some crown molding to a room for a finished look. Custom built-ins and mantles are some of our specialties. We will stain, faux finish, antique or any other finish you desire.
Sheetrock Installation
The pride we take in our work shows when you see the smooth finish after our experts have taped and spackled your home or office.
We will gut your old bathroom, install new fixtures, tile, shower built ins, floors, etc. Turn your dated bathroom into a brand new one that you will love!
Custom Flooring
Whether it's wood or laminate or tile, Alchemy can help you pick the right floor for your room and install professionally.
Spruce up the exterior of your home, patio, deck or garage by letting Alchemy powerwash it for you. It will look brand new.